Elders at Chalmers 

The Bible teaches that churches should be led by elders. Chalmers has sixteen elders who provide overall leadership and serve in different ways through the life of the church.

The elders exercise leadership in the church in a number of different ways.  They meet together fortnightly as a group with smaller groups of elders meeting to facilitate specific work.  The different ministries throughout the church are 'elder-led' with specific elders appointed in an oversight capacity to each ministry.  The work of the elders is co-ordinated by Alan MacKenzie in his role as Clerk to the elders. 

Andy Buchan - Se, P, W square   FXT50351 Liam Rotheram square   FXT50309 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   FXT50369 Liam Rotheram square
Andy Buchan   Roger Day   Iain Devereux   Bruce Foley
FXT50301 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   FXT50333 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   FXT50343 Liam Rotheram sqr   FXT50324 Liam Rotheram square
Graham Gibb   Calum Gruer   Craig Henry   David Laing
Alan MacKenzie - square Se, P,   Norman Martin Se, P, W, SM squ   FXT50325 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   FXT50382 Liam Rotheram S
Alan MacKenzie   Norman Martin   Joe McNeilly   Jay Parsons
Willie Stewart - Se, P, W, SM   FXT50374 Liam Rotheram sqr   FXT50339 Liam Rotheram sqr   Chris Wallace Se, P, W not in
Willie Stewart   Derek Traynor   David Voge   Chris Wallace

If you would like to contact one of the elders please visit the Contact Us page.



Deacons assist the elders in their leadership of the local church by taking responsibility for the practical matters in church life.

FXT50321 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   Allan Green Se, P, W, SM squar   Mary Robertson Se, P, W, SM sq   FXT50442 Liam Rotheram SQUARE
Jessie Bell
Pastoral Care
  Allan Green
  Mary Robertson
Global Mission
  Sheila Skedd
Pastoral Care
Andrew Wright Se, P, W, SM squ        
Andrew Wright


Please find below an introduction to the staff team. To contact a member of staff please click on their name.

FXT50351 Liam Rotheram square Roger Day, Associate Minister
Alongside regular preaching, Roger is responsible for small groups and leading the ministry associate programme at Chalmers.   In 2017 he completed his Master of Theology at Oak Hill College, having previously worked for St Helen's Bishopsgate in London.
Roger is married to Jessi and they have two children. Roger is a keen BBQ'er and even likes to BBQ a turkey on Christmas day!
FXT50382 Liam Rotheram S Jay Parsons, Associate Minister
Jay oversees work with children and young people, membership and Global Missions at Chalmers.  He has a significant role in pastoral care and is part of the preaching team.  After studying at Oak Hill Jay worked for 10 years on the staff team at Christ Church Banstead before moving to Edinburgh in 2020. Jay is married to Jo and they have three children, and is still holding onto the idea that he will one day play centre forward for Leeds United.
Naomi Wright 2024 square Naomi Wright, Senior Administrator
Naomi studied Spanish at St Andrews before moving to Edinburgh to join the Ministry Associate Programme at Chalmers for 2 years. She then joined the staff team in September 2015. Naomi is married to Andrew and enjoys gardening and baking which can be a challenge with her gluten and dairy free diet!
Naomi works 8.45am-4.30pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and 1pm-4pm on Wednesdays.
Laura Se, P, W, SM 2024 square Laura Fischbacher, Administrator
Laura, after studying music, did the UCCF Relay programme with the music college in Glasgow. She then moved to Edinburgh and spent 2 years on the Ministry Associate Programme at Chalmers before joining the staff team in August 2022.  Laura is married to Peter. Laura enjoys music, art and spending time outdoors!
Laura works Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm.
Amy Conway square Amy Conway, Leader in Training
Amy served for 2 years on the Ministry Associate Programme at Chalmers and then worked for UCCF supporting Christian students at Edinburgh Napier and Queen Margaret universities.  As a Leader in Training at Chalmers she helps to facilitate teaching, training and discipleship amongst women in the church family.  Alongside this Amy studies at the Pastors' Training course at Cornhill Scotland. Amy loves having a go at anything craft related, and is part of a local soul and gospel choir. 
Adam Smith square Adam Smith, Leader in Training
Adam studied an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Theology before joining the Ministry Associate Programme in 2019.  Adam heads up the student work at Chalmers by equipping the student team and meeting with students.  Alongside this Adam studies at the Pastors' Training Course at Cornhill Scotland.
Adam is married to Becca, and they both love board games!
Andrew Yong Square Andrew Yong, Leader in Training
Andrew Yong came to Edinburgh to complete his studies in physics in 2018. Shortly after, he came to faith here at Chalmers from the Christian witness and preaching of the Word. After his studies, Andrew did the Ministry Associate Programme and is now a Leader in Training at Chalmers. He is also studying part-time at Edinburgh Theological Seminary. Andrew is married to Issy and they love having McDonald’s for breakfast. 
Chris Turner square Chris Turner, Leader in Training
Chris studied an undergrad in History, before working in the retail, Chris then joined the Ministry Associate Programme.  Chris is now training for vocational ministry as part of the Leader in Training programme.  Chris is responsible for the young adults network at Chalmers.  This involves equipping small group leaders and pastoral care.  Alongside this Chris studies at Edinburgh Theological Seminary. 
Chris is married to EJ.  If Chris is not found at Chalmers or ETS, you'll find him out walking Mac the dog. 

Pastoral Ministry Group 

Pastoral care primarily happens through Chalmers' small group networks. The pastoral ministry group provide care for people who aren't able to be in a small group or who need additional pastoral support

FXT50321 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   FXT50351 Liam Rotheram square
Pat Edwards Se, P, W, SM (3)   Catherine Gibb square Se, P, W
Jessie Bell   Roger Day   Pat Edwards   Catherine Gibb
FXT50325 Liam Rotheram SQUARE   FXT50382 Liam Rotheram S   FXT50442 Liam Rotheram SQUARE    
Joe McNeilly   Jay Parsons   Sheila Skedd    

To contact the pastoral ministry group please email Sheila Skedd.