Investigate blank 16.9Are you interested in finding out more about the Christian faith?

At Chalmers we want to encourage people to investigate for themselves what the Bible says about who Jesus is. In fact, we believe this is the most important question any of us ever asks and would love to help you explore what the Bible says. For a helpful introduction to who Jesus is and why he came visit our 'who is Jesus?' page.

If you, or someone you know, would like to investigate Christianity further, there are a number of ways you can do that.

Attend a Sunday service (1)   Come along to one of the Sunday services to hear more about what Christians believe. Many people who investigate Christianity find coming to church for a term really helpful in beginning to understand the Bible and getting to know Christians who they can talk to about life’s big questions.
Copy of Attend a Sunday servic   Chalmers Church is full of people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. Why not take some time to listen to stories of how some of them came to believe in him for themselves?
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  A great way to begin investigating Christianity is to meet with a Christian friend or someone in the church to read the Bible or to do the Hope Explored course together. 

If you would prefer to read the Bible in a group, we also run the Hope Explored course a couple of times a year. Anyone is welcome to come along, ask any questions, or to just sit and listen.

Fill out the form below if you're interested. 
Listen to useful podcasts (1)Untitled design (8)   If you want to keep investigating Christianity online, here are a few ideas.

Why not take some time to listen to podcasts on some of the topics that you might find most helpful?

You can also have a look at the Christianity Explored website for great videos answering lots of tough questions.

If you'd like to chat more or investigate Christianity further please fill our the form below or for more information about ways to investigate Christianity, email Laura Fischbacher, church administrator. 

Find out more

Email address    
Phone number
I'm interested in reading the Bible with someone
I'm interested in the Hope Explored course
What times are most convenient for you?
Weekday evenings
Is English your first language? 
If English is not your first language, please
tell us what other languages you speak:
Any other comments or questions?

We will only use your information to contact you based on your responses. Please refer to our privacy notice for full details of how we use your information. This can be found at